Well, welcome to my blog. It's something that's been in the making for years but hasn't left the confines of my brain until just this very moment. I was reading the first post in a friend's blog when I suddenly thought, "Dude, why haven't I started one of those yet?!" (That's you, Florence.) So the kinks are still being worked out, but I decided today is the day. Also, this is a new way of procrastinating homework. And I don't mean to brag, but I kind of put the "pro" in procrastination. If you think you can give me a run for my money, let's talk about it tomorrow.
I do hope that provoked at least one "I see what you did there."
So why start a blog? Well, little Cindy (or whatever your name happens to be), I'll tell you. I suppose the main reason is that I love to write--which is a good quality to find in an English major. I have a loyal following of friends who are like, "Oh, have you written anything? Let me know when you write something! Can I read what you wrote?!" Okay, they don't fire off the questions that quickly. But I so frequently forget to send them things I have written, and not all the things I write are worth sending out. This way, at the very least, I'll be writing something and hopefully these amigos of mine can read it. Anyway, that is the hope.
Then I got to the point of actually starting my blog and I realized, "Crap! What am I going to call this thing?" I sincerely hope I don't say that when I have a kid someday. But for the time being, it was a big deal. So I went into this five-minute panic of, "Okay, angles, angles...what am I going to write about? What's a punny title? I could use my name, but it's not that interesting..." Or is it?
See, I got into this habit in high school. I thought I was really cool (actually I knew I wasn't, so I was constantly trying to come up with ways to change that), so I started "abbreviating" my name to Chris-10 since the last three letters of my name are T-E-N. I realize now that when you include a hyphen and two digits, it comes out to the same amount of writing; but it sounded like a good idea at the time, and it stuck. It sounds the same when spoken, but looks pretty cool on paper--plus I've always liked the number ten--so it was a lot of wins.
Anyway. I realized I could use "Chris-10" somehow, but I was like, "What am I going to do? List 10 things per post or something?" The light bulb went off above my head, and I decided that was exactly what I would do. And voila! "Chris-10 Things" happened. I like to make lists anyway, and every so often I make one that's actually useful. So I figure if I post once a week or something like that, that comes out to about fifty-two posts in a year, which means at least one of those lists may have actually been a good one. Maybe.
And of course I'll ramble for a while ahead of time like I am now, because I tend to do that. Sorry. If you're more interested in the lists, you can always bypass the paragraphs of scrawling and just read those. But if that's the case, it's entirely possible you've already given up on reading this. So I guess if I was going to say something bad about you, this would be the perfect time to do it...
I'll abstain from doing that at this time. In any case, I'm glad you've made the valiant choice to read my first EVER blog post! I figured that since this is my first post y'all might not know much about me, so I will make my first list a list of factoids about me that you probably don't know. Or at least, you probably don't know all of them. Maybe if you're one of my parents? But we'll see. We'll just see.
I'm Christen Wegener, and here we go!
10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Chris-10
- I was actually going to be a Christina. My mom, Carmen Wegener, wanted us to have the same first and last initials. So I was going to be Christina Ann Wegener, which would have made my initials "CAW," which sounds like the noise a crow makes. Then my mom broke her foot and had time to look through the ol' name book, and she came across this really obscure spelling of Kristin and I suppose she and my dad decided they liked that better. Personally I am a fan. Christina's a great name; but it does not end in the number 10.
- My roommate calls me Winston. Don't ask.
- I can read Braille. Few people believe me at first because, well, I can see. But my best friend in high school was blind (still is, actually. She's probably reading this, too. Hey, Rochelle! I'm on the Internet! (If you're about to ask how she can read this, the answer is that her computer talks to her (Rochelle, I hope you don't mind that I'm telling the whole Internet about this.))) and I decided I wanted to learn Braille as well. I'm not as good at it as she is (for reasons I think are fairly obvious), but it's a nice random skill to have.
- I love shoes, but I hate wearing them. I'd rather go barefoot every day. *shakes head* First-world problems!
- My favorite band is Mumford & Sons. It's entirely possible that you noticed I stole the title of this post from one of their songs (one of my favorites). I figured it was appropriate, since this blog was a white blank page till just now. Mumford & Sons was tied with U2 as my favorite for a long time, but I do believe they've finally squeaked past the Irish rockers. Plus I found out recently that (A) Marcus Mumford loves U2, and (B) their banjo player's name is Winston. Icing on the cake.
- I am right-handed at some things and left-handed at others, but I am not ambidextrous. It's a long story, and not a very interesting one.
- I really enjoy editing papers. Judge me all you want; but when you need a paper edited, I'll be there for you!
- I have to put my left shoe on before my right or I will feel like something is off all day. I really have no idea why this is.
- I have been singing in choirs for about ten years now. All through high school, I sang soprano 1. Then when I got to college, I was put as soprano 2 during my freshman year. Being one of those diva-type sopranos, I was shocked; being at a Christian school, I rolled with it. Then my sophomore year, I was moved to the "Alto-nation" and sang alto 1. So this year (my junior year), when our director Bob said we needed more alto 2s and asked if any 1s would be willing to switch, I figured, "Why not?" So I've been steadily moving down the scale since high school and hope to be a bass by age 30.
- I grew up on a dairy farm. This means I love cows, miss the country, can smell what the weather is going to do next, and am very sad that I can't see the stars behind all the streetlights in Mishawaka. But yay dairy farm!
So there you have it! My first list and first blog post. I hope this has been somehow interesting for you and that you will continue to read these posts as they appear, whoever and wherever you may be. Mostly, though, I hope I can use this blog to enrich your life somehow, someday. God gave me the gift of words, and I hope you'll see Him frequently on this blog.
Oh. That's it. How do I end one of these things? Uh...here's a really happy sheep.
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